Friday, February 26, 2016

Per mercoledi due marzo duemila sedici

Learn by heart the due date for your comments.

Google these three Italian newspapers: La Stampa, Il Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica.

Learn to spell them correctly and also find out what they mean.

Find at least one article that mentions "gli Stati Uniti".  Try to figure out what the topic is (not very difficult): DO NOT USE A TRANSLATOR. Push your brain, stretch your imagination. See how many words you recognize in a couple of paragraphs.

You will find lots of stuff about politics, wars, etc.  If you can, find something a little lighter that tickles your curiousity.

COMMENT: copy the exact sentence where "gli Stati Uniti" appears and give us a brief summary of what you read (in English.)
Avoid repetition which means, do not double up on reading the same article someone else already introduced.

REPLY:  read your classmates findings, choose one article that goes in the direction of your interests and mention the reason of your choice (in inglese.)


  1. Da ultimo si è aggiunto un ulteriore grattacapo diplomatico, dopo il disgelo tra gli Stati Uniti e Cuba: il governo dell'Avana chiede la restituzione di Guantanamo, base militare che si trova ad un'estremità dell'isola caraibica.

    The article talks about Obama wanting to close Guantanamo because it violates the values of the american people. He says its a bad symbol and stain on our legal system. Cuba wants Guantanamo back but Obama says no.


  2. Il parto è avvenuto negli Stati Uniti, dove Nichi ed Ed aspettano il riconoscimento formale della paternità.

    The former governor of Puglia is having a baby through surrogacy. He may not be able to be a father, since Italy's laws may cause a hassle for him to follow through with adoptions. His partner and him are trying to create a family but political ties get in the way.


    1. It's sad to hear that this family is going through this. I choose this article to respond to because it reminds me of how rigid the minds of some people are on the idea of families with same sex parents.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Altri sedici torinesi sono già negli stati Uniti per approfondire l’insegnamento più pratico della materia.

    Sixteen American students have just come to Italy to study Mechanical Engineering and Polytechnics at a Univeristy in Torino. They are in an international program based in the United states.

  5. Su Twitter, Trump ha spesso attaccato i giornalisti che lo criticano. La legge sulla diffamazione negli Stati Uniti rende generalmente difficile per i personaggi pubblici citare in giudizio i giornalisti o altre persone che li criticano.

    This article is about Donold Trump and how he has a come back attack again, so to speak. The article discusss his run for presidency, as he wants to protect the First Amendment toward writers or journalists. He talks about how he would lower costs for citizens and his running for president. He talks about social media and his comments upon it, as well, i.e. Twitter. Donald Trump always has something back to say to journalists who speak badly upon him. He discusses how his win for presidency will change the world, in his eyes, and changes that should occur according to him.

  6. l’accordo sul nucleare con gli Stati Uniti è stato sicuramente di grande aiuto per i modernizzatori dell’Iran.

    This article is about Obama being criticized on his view on foreign policy--this coming about in the midst of obama and Iran attempting to come to nuclear deal.

  7. "In seguito, egli ha affermato che la tensione è stata accresciuta solo dal mancato contatto diretto tra lui e il presidente degli Stati Uniti."

    This article discuss the relationship between Israel and The United States. It talks about them trying to regain ties with one another and that Italy is called in to help them do so.

  8. "Ma la norma approvata dal Congresso degli Stati Uniti ci riguarda da vicino e ha in sé l’affermazione di una leadership economica e culturale planetaria. Non attraverso la forza, ma con l’allargamento dei diritti."

    This article talks about how the new standard of cultural leadership and global economic passed by congress in America and how some may have concerns to this new standard.

  9. "Israele ha chiesto ai paesi europei, tra cui l'Italia, un aiuto per appianare le attuali frizioni nelle sue relazioni con gli Stati Uniti, secondo i report della diplomazia italiana del 13 marzo."

    This article is about how Israel currently has friction with the United States. In an attempt to smooth out relations between the two countries, Israel is looking for help from multiple European countries and Italy is one of them.

  10. "Il segretario della Difesa Ashton Carter parlando ai giornalisti ha spiegato come gli Stati Uniti «stiano accelerando» le operazioni di tipo informatico con l’obiettivo di minare la potenza di fuoco propagandistica del Califfato."

    This article talks about how the United States is working the computer-like operations with the aim of undermining the power of propaganda of the Caliphate fire.

